Funny Letterboard Quotes on Motherhood all Moms Can Relate To
Happy Friday and hooray for the long holiday weekend! This has been quite a long week, so a long weekend is just what I need. As a stay at home mom, weekends are a bit irrelevant. It’s not like you get two days off from being a mom. Not that I would want to, but I would like a nap or two… or three. Or to sit for an extended period of time. Or to eat a meal alone. Now THAT would be a fun weekend. With it being a holiday weekend and seeing a little family, I actually will get a little break. Like a five minute break to eat before I hear the panicked “mama, mama, mama?!” that always comes.
This week has had its fair share of challenges. Struggles with falling asleep on time and waking up far too early, which is the perfect recipe for a cranky day. My little guy is really trying to communicate his wants and needs, and sometimes I truly do not know what he wants. <insert toddler frustration> He wants to do everything (like play with the grill) and doesn’t understand why he can’t, which always results in lots of crying. He’s been really testing his limits (like continuously running back to the grill) and my patience struggles to remain afloat some days.
Although this week has had a few rough moments, there is something so precious about peeking in on your sound asleep little one at the end of every day, thanking God for him/her, and confidently know you will happily do it all over again the next day. Even if more challenges arise. Today I am sharing with you a few funny letterboard quotes on motherhood that perfectly sum up my feelings this week. There’s one that reads: “Motherhood is the exquisite inconvenience of being another person’s everything” and I couldn’t have said it better. Let me know which quote you most relate to this week. Enjoy!
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Read Next: Funny Letterboard Quotes for Everyday
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